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I have loved to sing and worship Jehovah God since I can remember, as I grew up in an atmosphere of praise and worship where the Holy Spirit was allowed to move and having a REAL relationship with God was essential. A formidable relationship with God is still essential today to lives of worship that we are called to live. For the past 20 years, I have been blessed to lead worship and serve in many different settings. Originally, I started in youth groups, small group settings, college ministries, and adult church settings for the last 15 years. I love serving with and coordinating the worship atmosphere at Woodland Church.


I am married to an amazing woman, Jaime, and we have four wonderful children together - Eli, Savannah, Eden, and Isaac. I love my family with all my heart and one of the greatest hopes we have is for the spiritual welfare of our children and family. We want to thank our Woodland Church family for continuing to be a part of the Wasserman family!

I know that God has called us all to love Him and worship Him in Spirit in truth. We cannot find life in Christ through any other answer. He is the way, the truth, and the life - no one comes to the Father (God), but through Him. Praising God is so much more than singing a song; it is a life to live. None of us are perfect, but we have a perfect God who is full of grace and mercy. This is who we lavish our praise, songs, and love on every day!

God has called us to rest in Him. Spending time worshiping God should be the same as our intimate times of prayer with God. Taking time to listen to God and quieting our hearts before Him is just as important as the magnificent and talented musicianship included in our worship sets these days. Praise God for the skillfull musicians that can worship the Lord with their gifts, but I believe the vital part of spending time worshiping the Lord are those moments of quiet intimacy that bend our heats towards the Lord and cause us to listen to His voice. We wait on Him in quietness so the Holy Spirit can whisper us closer to Jesus. The more we can wait on Him the more time He has to impact us. He is an impactful God and He is willing to transform us if we will be willing to wait on Him patiently and give him enough time. He's not a "fast food" God. Our time with God does not usually work like a drive through. I believe I am called to assist in providing that wait time while worshiping the Lord God of the universe. My heart is to worship Jehovah God and to allow the Holy Spirit the time He needs to mold our lives.


Will you give Him time? Just like any relationship real intimacy requires time for impact.


Why did Jesus spend times of intimacy with His Father?

To impact the world around Him.


Why should we spend times of intimacy with our Father?

To impact the world around us.

The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us


I’ve grown up in the church and so I have always loved the church… the bride of Christ… and I love community… love the community that hasn’t found the church yet. We need to go outside of the wall and meet the community. That being said….I’ve been thinking a lot about what I call “Worship Listening” , though. I call it that because I believe God has phenomenal things He could speak to you and I if we would just take the time to actively listen to our King. Imagine being a bride with a husband who is perfect (I know that’s really hard to imagine), but just picture it. Picturing it? Ok…. So as the bride of this perfect King we come into his chamber and just talk and talk and talk and talk…and don’t give Him a second for a word. Isn’t it just as much worship when we can take a decent amount of time just to hear what He has to say? What words might come out of this perfect husbands mouth? What perfected thoughts might this King share with us? See if you can take some time as the bride of Christ to do some Worship Listening this week…. Is there something He shared with you that you might share with us?.

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